October 24, 2016

Review: Faerie Blood

Faerie Blood Faerie Blood by Emma L. Adams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was given this book in place of an honest review. So to begin with when I picked up this book while on a plane home from Texas, (I was in training for work). That's besides the point. However, the minute I picked up this book I was hooked. If there was more time in the day I would have finished this book quicker than what I did.

Now what I liked about this story is that it's very easy to get into. Very easy to get absorbed into the storyline, and for me I could actually picture a city distraught from a war, and life just carrying on as much as it can.  There were a few minor errors with word placement, and spelling.  But let me reassure you, it doesn't deter from the book itself, just a little editing there and it would be right as rain.

I recommend if you have time or need something new to add to your to be read list, definitely read Faerie Blood. Now I cannot wait to read the next book, to see where this series will take us.

View all my reviews

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