A lil' about me =^.^=

Hello my name is Samantha but my family and friends call me "Sam" or "Sammie" and on some sites I'm also known as "Spamicka" a funky nickname of mine.

I'm a book enthusiast, I have had 'Book Lover's Cozy Cafe' running since November 2011. It seems like it was only yesterday though. I try to keep my reviews as honest as possible whether it's great, good, bad, or sadly horrible.

I love reading books, I didn't used to though.... when I was younger after I had gotten glasses I kept losing or breaking my glasses so I just gave up reading.  And back then I was a huge Stephen King fan he was all I would read.  But then in April 2009, I had finally broke down and borrowed "Twilight" from my best friend to find out what all the hoopla was about.  I read it, loved it, and wanted more (yes you can laugh at me, but hey we all have to get our inspiration somewhere).... so I read the whole series of that and then moved on to others, such as the sookie stackhouse books, and the house of night, and the Black Dagger Brotherhood, etc, etc,etc.  To this day I have read over 600 books since April 2009, and that count keeps growing, as well as my "To Be Read" list that's insanely huge.

I like to review books just for fun, I'm not a professional reviewer.  I just love talking about books. I know I may suck at my reviews at times, but that's ok cause it still makes me happy.

I'm also a writer, i'm currently writing a book though, I'm suffering from a major writers block, and I can't figure out what I want to call my book.  I'm five chapters in and still don't have a clue what to call it.

Welp that's a little about me if you need to contact me for any reason please don't hesitate...

bookloverscozycafe@gmail.com is my email drop me an email at anytime and I will respond as soon as I get it.

my banner, background, and button were created by me :D


  1. I love your hair in that picture! I read Black Dagger Brotherhood after you told me about them. I am so in love with that series. Miss you Sammie!

    1. Great Series! I still gotta read Lover Reborn. How's Georgia?

  2. Thank you so much for the compliment. Yeah it's a long process this college thing, but no matter how long it takes one day I will complete it.

  3. Great blog here, Samantha. I love the whole layout. Thanks for following my blog. I just followed back, and I look forward to your posts. :)

    Kaykay @ The Creative Forum

    1. Thank you, that is much appreciated. I did it all myself, so I'm very proud of it. Also everytime I see it, it just makes me smiles it's so vibrant and happy looking. I look forward to yours as well, and I hope I don't disappoint.
